Mission Zero

A vision for higher education: Zero fee. Zero impact on the job market
I believe that the role of education is to help individuals achieve their full potential. Mission Zero, which I hope to be part of realising, has two parts
  • Bringing down the cost of education to Zero for students: I believe in Learning by Doing. Project Based Learning and CDIO are examples of how this can be done. Through the engineering of value adding learning activities, such as students’  projects, education can pay for itself. Simply, when the projects that my students are working on during their studies have value for someone, we can charge for these projects and finance the education system. This may even produce a surplus! Through this we can achieve two goals, giving the students an authentic learning experience and making education sustainable.
  • Having Zero impact on the job market: Every year, large number of graduates leave universities and join the scores of people who are looking for jobs. But who is responsible for creating these jobs? This part of Mission Zero is about developing entrepreneurial graduates who think of creating jobs, not only competing for them. When a cohort of 100 graduates leaves a university, if 5 of them end up creating entrepreneurial undertaking and employing 95 people, they will offset the 95 jobs taken by their fellow graduates. This way we can ensure a steady supply of jobs for everyone. The 5:95 ratio is just an example.